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About us

Or Chadash is a friendly environment that seeks to encourage everyone to grow and to develop their Jewish life on their own terms. Our diverse community is open to all, and we are always looking for innovative ways to engage everyone within halacha.


Or Chadash prides itself on offering a multiplicity of views. Adult education offerings include religious, text-based learning; cultural experiences; and programs designed to tackle the big questions. Our Shabbat mornings include drashot and shiurim that are designed to explore key issues of the Torah through the lens of the modern world.

Prayer and worship

Tefillot at Or Chadash are uplifting and full of song. Our Baalei Tefillah vary from week to week, and we encourage full participation. Or Chadash prides itself on providing women with the ability to deeply connect to tefillah through active participation. Women are encouraged to lead various tefillot, and take the Torah through the women's section. We also offer children's programs that both inspire and educate the next generation.  

Now, as always, Or Chadash is your home.

Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784