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Kiddush Sponsorship Form

You are invited to share a few words (1-3 minutes) before the Rabbi makes kiddush. Rabbi Alon will be in touch with you to discuss. 
e.g. This Kiddush is sponsored by Rachel Levi and Josh Cohen in honour of their daughter Naomi's Bat Mitzvah
Please select which kiddush option you would like to sponsor and for how many people. 25-35 people is the regular number of shul attendees
   Vegetarian Cholent $75
   Meat Cholent $125
   Antipasto Platter $125
   Spring Rolls $60
   Cake $50
   Ice Cream Bar $601 = 25-35 people
2 = 35-45 people
3 = 45-55 people
Please note the shul does not purchase alcohol for individually sponsored kiddushim. Please confirm that you will bring the following or it will not be supplied.


Sat, 9 November 2024 8 Cheshvan 5785